Sunday, August 1, 2010

When All Hope Is Gone; Prologue; Part One

Sunset Valley; Once beautiful and bustling with life.

Now a dry, dark, and deserted wasteland.

Well, not exactly deserted… 

It all started with three sisters; three very evil sisters. 

Amelia Evil… 

Delia Evil...

And Penelope Evil...

Nobody knows exactly what they are...

What people do know is that after the disappearances of many people during The Happening, three strangely colored and secretive women moved in a small house at the end of Cherry Lane. All three of them only came out once a day, and when they did come out it was always at the darkest point of the night. Nobody knew what they were up to, but they did know that there was something wrong with The Three.

Only a month after The Three had gotten themselves settled into Sunset Valley, wives started waking up in the morning to their find that their husbands were nowhere to be found, and there were no leads as to where they are except their wedding rings placed on the nightstand. Nobody had suspected anything then, they had all just wondered what had made their husbands leave them. 

Only when there were no adult or elder men left in Sunset Valley did the women and younger boys start to suspect something. The strange sisters looked weirder than ever; their eyes seemed redder, their wings seemed bigger, their fangs sharper, and they all had something weird on their index finger on their right hand, like a larger, mechanical finger. 

And then all the women, tall or small, old or young, fell ill. There were no doctors left because all of the men who were old enough to be doctors had disappeared, and the women doctors were too sick to cure themselves. The sons and brothers were left to look after them, with no clue as to what was happening to their loved ones except there were strange marks on their neck, almost like fangs, and their skin started turning grayish blue, and their eyes turned completely blood red. The mysterious sisters still remained unfazed.

And then the ill girls started waking up just to their ill mother, with their brothers gone with the wind, except for one pile of dirty laundry left in the middle of the floor. 

By then they suspected the mysterious sisters for all of this, who still remained unfazed, but who could do anything about it? 

And the morning after the disappearance of ALL the men, the ladies fully transformed into vicious immortal creatures, with fangs, grayish blue skin, red eyes, horns of the devil, and wings. The Three sisters were behind it all. They recruited every female in Sunset Valley, and they turned into an evil army. What they have against men, who knows? All that mattered was that they were the most powerful army in the entire world. But only The Three had the most powerful weapon; the weapon that can kill somebody in an instant, the weapon they could communicate to each other with, and send messages to their minions of their whereabouts. They called it, The Devil’s Touch. 

With The Devil’s Touch, they could do basically anything their cold, dark, stone-hearts desired. They had all of the world in their control. At least they thought. 

They wouldn’t believe how wrong they were.